Saturday, May 28, 2011

Riding Out the Storm

How about those crazy couple of days of tornado weather?!?!  This past week I was actually out of town and had no idea that anything was going on until Wednesday around lunch time.  My husband, who was here, did not to tell me how bad things were because he knows how bad I do not like these types of storms.  He did not want me to worry when there was nothing I could do about it.  When I finally did hear what was going on I was very worried that something would happen and I would be miles away.  Thank goodness the storm passed over where we live. 

On Tuesday morning, I was watching the news and a woman who lives in Joplin was being interviewed.  It was herself, her boyfriend, and her son who was in the bathtub and survived the storm.  In her interview, she told her son to get his bike helmet right before the storm hit.  It was a good thing she did because her bathroom toilet came out of the floor and smacked him in the head and hit her in the back.  This is something I could not even imagine!!!  My thoughts go out to those people in Joplin as I cannot even fathom handling a situation like this.

Does anyone have any terrifying storm stories that they have experienced?

1 comment:

  1. Natalie- I am so scared of tornados. I am from Florida and we had hurricanes, but not tornados. There is just not enough warning and we don't know for sure what is happening. I watched some of the coverage of Joplin and had to turn it off. It was too sad. The missing baby, the son who was driving home from his high school graduation with his dad and was sucked out of the sun roof, the father who was found under the Home Depot rubble holding onto his two little boys. It's so, so sad.
