Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Should I Do?

This December, I will be finished with my degree at Avila.  When I first started back to school I really had no interest in walking at the graduation ceremony.  Now that it is getting closer, I cannot make up my mind.  There is no reason why I do not want to walk, but I do not want to regret it later on in life.  This is something that I have really been thinking about and I think it is because I knew people that just graduated and walked yesterday.  Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on this decision?  Has anyone else had these same thoughts? 


  1. Natalie, you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. I really do not have any interest in it, still. However, my family is very into the whole graduation thing. Not so much my kids, but my dad and my sisters. I can take it or leave it. I have a feeling I will walk for my family. If you think that there is even a chance you may regret it then you should do it. You only get one chance.

  2. Natalie,
    It's really a personal decision but because it only happens once make sure you have no regrets.
    Think really hard, its only 2-4 hours out of a day in your life, make it a celebration!

  3. My family thinks I should walk too. Just because I've worked really hard and this is the capstone for it all!

    Good point Lita - it's not like it's going to take much time at all! And you're right, it should be a celebration!

  4. Graduating college is a HUGE accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself and I know that you family and friends will be too. Walking across that stage is an incredible feeling...I can't wait to experience it again. My last graduation was in highschool it warmed my heart to see all those people that I love come support me and be so proud. Different things are important to different people though... but I think you've worked hard for this and you deserve to be applauded for it! :)

  5. I think it is a good idea to walk, I mean you only do it once and you have worked really hard to finish! Its a great accomplishment and I know sometimes I even go back and forth but I want that picture of me walking across to get my degree!
